Reporting center overview

Several reports are available on the Sage partner portal to provide detailed insight into your Sage customers and related sales transactions.  This data is directly from Sage's database is generated on a nightly basis and includes only information for your customers or your own company.  Because the data is generated nightly, transactions which occur during a specific day will be available in a report the next day.

Reports can be accessed by clicking Reporting center from the main menu bar. In order to view these reports, the user must be set up as a Manager Partner on the Sage Portal. Users at your company who are set up as Employees will not have access to these reports or even see the Reporting center tab. 

The functionality varies slightly by report but typically data can be manipulated within a report by adding or removing fields, sorting and filtering by values in columns.  Additional analysis and formatting can be done by exporting or pasting report data to Excel or another spreadsheet applications. To print a report, you should export it to Excel and print it from there.

This tool provides significant functionality. The help topics are designed to provide basic operational instructions which will make it possible for you to find the data you are looking for as quickly as possible. The best way to learn about additional functionality is to experiment with it; however, some users may prefer to use the formatting tools within Excel to manipulate and print the report data. 

See also
Execute a report
Basic report navigation