Administration: Maintain existing Channel Partner portal users    

Perform the following steps to maintain existing Channel Partner portal users.
  1. Click Administration  arrow  Internet Users.
  2. Click Maintain existing portal users.
  3. Click the link in the User Id column for the user you need to maintain.
  4. Click the button for the function you need. Choices include:
    • Change - To change the user's personal information or access rights.
    • Lock - To lock the user out of the portal.
    • Reset Password - To reset the user's password. You might need to do this if the user forgets the password.
    • Delete - To delete this user record.
    • Copy - To copy permissions from one existing portal user. (Not recommended)
    • Back - To return to the list of users.
  5. Make your changes.
  6. When you are done, click a menu link to move to another function.
Important  Important: You should not need to search for portal users because all of your existing portal users already display. Do not use the 'Search existing portal users’ link.
existing users
note  Note: You can use the icons to the right of the user name to perform the following functions:

change  - Change - To change the user's personal information or access rights.

reset password - Reset Password - To reset the user's password.

copy - Copy - To copy permissions from one existing portal user. (Not recommended)

delete - Delete - To delete this user record.

See also

Administration overview
Administering Internet users overview
Maintaining multiple Channel Partner internet users