Quotation details report

This report shows all service contract quotes prepared by Sage for your customers during the specified time period. Data for this report can be filtered by a date range, and Maintenance or Support

When to use this report

Use this report to find specifics related to service contract quotes such as transaction number, the contract specified in quotes, plan start and end dates, standard amount on the quote. Viewing quotation details helps after you use the Renewal status report to determine which customers have upcoming renewals and existing quotations.

Variable entry: Initial selection criteria

Use the pop-up Select Values list in each field to view and select the possible entries.
Maintenance and support plan Select Maintenance, Product or Support or the selection will default to all.
Quotation date range (Interval, Mandatory) (*) Required entry.  This date range represents the period in which a transaction was posted.
For instructions on how to enter valid date ranges, click here.

Fields within the default report

Channel partner Your company name.
Item transaction type At this time, only Sage quote sales contract items display on the report.              
Account The customer for whom the quote was prepared. The account includes the name and Sage account ID.
Transaction number The Sage transaction (front office) number for the quotation.
Status If the status is complete, it means the quote is either +60 days old and has not been used OR plan has been renewed.
Status expired If Sage has set a quotation to expired, that flag will appear here.
Status: Rejected Ignore.Sage used this field to track reasons for non-renewal. In the future, Sage will use a different method to track non-renewal.
Material The SKU and description of the service contract on the quotation.
Quotation date The date the quotation was initiated at Sage.
Existing plan start date The start date of the customer's existing service contract.
Existing plan end date The end date of the customer's existing service contract.
Standard amount The amount quoted for renewal of the customer's existing service contract. Quotations may have quoted amounts for upgrade service contracts, but only the amount for the existing contract appears on this report.
Number of contracts The count of service contracts the customer has with Sage.

Formatting tips for this report

To undo the last format change you made
 See also:
     Renewal status report