Enter date ranges

There are several ways you can enter a date range for filter criteria on a Variable Entry screen. 
Directly into the Variable entry date field:
  1. You can enter a date range directly into the date range field using either format shown below:
01012009 - 02012009 or 01/01/2009 - 02/01/2009
  1. Before you execute the report, you should click the Check button at the bottom of the Variable entry screen to verify that the date is valid. 

Use the pop-up Select values list

  1. Click the pop-up box icon on the right in the Date / Date range field. 
  2. Enter dates in the From and To fields using this format: 
01012009 - 02012009 or  01/01/2009 - 02/01/2009
  1. Click Ok.
  2. Click the Check button at the bottom of the Variable Entry screen to verify that the date is valid.